Sparks Start Fires, Creativity Creates Revolutions
Sparks can start fires and creativity can start revolutions. Typically, when you think revolution, you think of a massive war or upheaval in society. It can be found in many other areas of life and creativity can be a source of ignition. Creativity is in every fabric of society whether we recognize it or not. Lots of individuals spend countless hours developing their creativity. Then others spend hours applying their creativity to all kinds of different projects. There are many of us who are scared to be creative. The benefits of creativity are endless.
The definition of create according to Merriam-Webster is to make or produce and to cause something new to exist. Creativity can be found everywhere. Creativity is found in books, art, and music. You see it when a company comes out with a new product. You see it when an individual starts a new personal project. The internet and social media have brought on new ways of sharing beautiful creations from around the world with one another.
There are those that believe that you are born with creativity and others know that you can develop it. Developing creativity can be like developing any other skill. You must spend the time practicing it to become better at it. There are different exercises that you can do to become a more creative individual. Here are a couple links to some articles that have creative exercises.
Knowing when and how to apply creativity can result in some magnificent creations. A big part of being creative is executing on your ideas. This has been a weakness of mine for longer that I want to admit. You can have all the ideas in the world but until you do something with them, they are merely ideas. Depending on the idea you might need to refine it before you do it. Other times you must start working on your idea and then revise on it as you go. The Adrenaline Torch Studios idea of mine started back in 2017 while I was traveling in Australia. I have had a few starts with it but nothing consistent. The idea just never went away and now here we are. Some ideas take time to nurture.
I am terrible at over thinking things. I am constantly worried about people’s thoughts and opinions. I tend to not want to do things just in case I make a mistake and it does not turn out the way I thought it would. I would have thought after having earned a black belt in kenpo karate, getting a bachelor’s degree in business and everything else I have accomplished in my life those thoughts would have gone away. They have not. They are still there. It is annoying to say the least. I know I am not alone with having these thoughts. The fears are constantly there with being creative. It is finding ways of using your creativity despite the fears.
Being creative can be a remarkable thing. It helps add variety into your life. That helps from things getting repetitive and you becoming complacent. That variety can lead you to working on new projects which then leads to new skills being developed. As you develop those skills you might contact people who are looking for someone with your skill set. The more skills you have the more choice in projects you and have the more creativity you will be surrounded by.
Creativity is something that should be explored daily. It can have its own meaning to each person, but you see examples of it everywhere. The more you develop it the more exciting the ideas that you can produce. The applications of creativity are endless. We may all have some degree of fear with being creative. Zig Ziglar has a great saying regarding fear: “F-E-A-R: has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.” The more you work on your creativity the more you will want to continue to.